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Dunedin Noise 100
Radio Jaundice
Radio Jaundice - Na
liroca - briscoes type beat
Birdation - theme from insomnodrol 2
Co., Inc. - Pants On
Agent Ewok - Statement Name From Canada (Candlefloss)
B.O. - PO. PO.
atomic peace - Kaikorai Valley - October 2014
Akemi - Consumption
Children of the Greyscale Rainbow - Dethrone the Wounded King
stabbiesetc - Left Standing On The Corner
CHILDREN'S LETTERS TO GOD - I kissed the air in vain fantasy
Cyrill Moncrieth - All The Things She Said
Bezoar - Moonlit Creek
Belgian Gates - Ancient Aliens (stole my park)
Crude - pursuit sequence
Coin Laundry - Outsider
Combat Freak - The Shade is Fucked
DJ PHLUFFEE DYCE - Delete that Sh_t
Troy Peter James Naumoff - lake victoria
Open Soul Surgery - Outsight
Dale Kerrigan - yuck
dickthephone - ..................
Death in a Dreamscape - Aftermath
Stupid Square - I can do nothing,
Divinations - beginning
Donald McPherson - A Cartographer's Dream
Stupid Square - The Second Coming Of Jesus Has An Anime Girl As His Profile Picture
charisma collective - No Love No Club
DSRDR - Unobserv'd
Emperor Goblin - Episode 2
Erectile Dysfunctioners - Tenebris Sempiternum
Euthanasia Rack - a prison for walls
Embb - Walk
Eye - Palimpsest
Eyes Out - Life In The Woods
FlaxHubzzy - The Scringus event
Electric Fence - Dont need a heart
Flesh of the Womb - Bacchae
Floating Island - Mercury
The Futurians - The Void / Meltdown
Fuckault - The Grass Slept Peacefully With The Promise Of Rain (2)
g l o s s y - ?oided
glasgow - Doorly
GLEE CARTEL - clockwork orangutang
stabbiesetc - Sugar Jon - Shit Sandwhich
ufm - Mountain
Kiseki Usagi - Autumn crashing down
Human Susan - Substandard Girls
idealstate recordings - prolongation
Karl Leisky - About Gardens And Gardening
Kerian Varaine - engineers of consent
maxine funke - Long Beach
L.$.D FUNDRAISER - Nine To Five, Monday To Friday.
Lady Bag - What's Your Favourite Colour?
LAUREN/SPODE - Fighting (early)
SHCSoundBoard - NEU
killmore girls - why like this?
Urban Serpent - Pat Kraus - Psychopomp
Louis Twoshirts - Plastic Jar
Nina Grodhues - Und ich bin meine Maschine
The Local Hoons - in tha studio ft The DJ Soundsystem
Pearl with a Girl Earring - Tchaikovsky, my favourite historical gay
Pedro The Communist - Space Communism I
Rise Of The City Cat Cult - bmx gang
Regnoceros - Mekong
Rei Compact - bodies in time
coconut cloud - hologram heart - RA dish - HOLOGRAM HEART
Residue - You Are Missed
NVSBLX - Void Sermon
radio cegeste - hundreds of simultaneous shorelines
Sandoz Lab Technicians - The Day The Earth Stood Still
solopsist, asleep - destroy everything dream
The Barbara Streisand Fan Boyz - Gilllilcutty
E-KARE - This Software is Shareware - missingFingers
cja - greenbelt
Proxy Music - The Hyenas - Hyenas in the Mist
The Matai Falls - No Raindrops
Mud Death - INFINITE 1
William Henry Meung - curtain on fire
Yeldarb Notlrac Mleh - 38
The Suds - Addict
Bride - 3
White Wine Vinegar - Apollo Called
grvdggr - Tactics of Disappearance
Propaganda TV - Conversate
Mr. Soap - What would you like to know?
snakebeings - Gamelan Glitch
WAOTS - On the Roof
dance happy doom crew - yung nat$ - Get A Tan
Soft Abuse - Silver Thread
babybat - abduction sequence : PART 2
BroodyBoy - Tutti Frutti
The Fuck Chairs - Bummer Craft
WOLFSKULL - Fiscal Riff
N e w P e p s i 9 5 - Thought Crime Plaza
tillakaratne - lumen frieze
spunkrat records - membrane